Anti-Racism Resource Centre

Action Guides

Fire it Up! (PDF)

Fire it Up! is a manual produced by the Youth Action Network in 2002 to empower youth to take action. It provides a great introduction to concepts like anti-oppression, coalition building, and popular education, as well as tools like grant writing and media relations. Click to download the full manual.

Tribal Campus Climate Challenge Toolkit (PDF)

The Tribal Campus Climate Challenge is a project created in partnership with the Energy Action Coalitions Campus Climate Challenge; which leverages the power of young people to organize on college campuses and high schools across the US and Canada to win 100% clean energy policies at their schools. The Tribal Campus Climate Challenge focuses on working with students in Tribal community colleges and is slated to involve more than 40 tribal and community colleges across the US.  The Toolkit focuses on climate justice, tribal sovereignty, and organizing for change that is relevant to Indigenous youth around the world.  Check out the Youth section of the Indigenous Environmental Network for more resources.

theKIT: A Manual by Youth to Combat Racism Through Education (PDF)

The KIT came together through a national project of the United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) called the Youth Forums Against Racism. Around 100 youth between the ages of 14 and 26 participated in a series of regional forums held from May to July 2001. The Information section looks at current issues and key concepts in racism, and debunks a range of myths and misconceptions. Want to discuss privilege, practice intercultural communication, or hold a debate on racism in Canada? The Tools section includes a wide range of interactive workshops for a variety of ages and interests, as well as a step-by-step guide for organizing an activity. A multitude of books, films, youth organizations, and educational materials are listed in the Resources section for further reading, action, and inspiration! And, a timeline noting key moments in Canadian history relevant to racism and anti-racism runs throughout the KIT.