Anti-Racism Resource Centre

External News

“Becoming” will follow the former first lady of the United States’ journey from her childhood in South Side Chicago to the present.

Franchesca Ramsey and Lee Chin explain how White supremacy turns people of color against each other.

People of color have a 35 percent higher chance of living near emission polluting facilities than their White counterparts—and the number is higher for Black residents.

Barry Jenkins, John Singleton, Lee Daniels and Jordan Peele sat down with The Hollywood Reporter for a discussion about past and present realities for Black American filmmakers.

“Black women and those who have been the ‘other’, and the marginalized in society—that’s who I wanted to support.”

Martin’s death at the hands of a vigilante sparked the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Black folks drive the progressive political power in this country, but rarely benefit from the fruits of our labor. We are launching the Black Futures Lab as a way to mobilize around our needs, hopes and dreams.”

The bill targets the recently formed Conscience and Religious Freedom division in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights.

When the Kerner Commission indicted U.S. journalism for its misrepresentation of Black communities in 1968, the report called on media companies to hire, train and promote Black journalists. FAIR program director Janine Jackson argues that corporate media is still failing to confront its own racism.

“A mother came in here and brought her son specifically to show him that a Black man owns this bookstore.”